A friend of mine saw the boat I made for Angelina. He wanted one too for hunting. I had to
say that Angelina's would not suit him, his purposes and broken spine. Scaling
Angelinas boat to his size and weight would produce a goodlooking, fast boat all right,
but he wanted a small, low draft stable boat that could be manouvred in reeds and finally
put inside his small halfcombi. (He can´t easily cartop alone.) Given the maximum
lenght and draft, reedcapability etc, I came upp with "ANKAN" or "The
DUCK" in english. It´s made of 4.5
mm birch plywood, glass outside an all epoxied.
It was made in 10 days, 6 hour one day and 2-4 hours the rest. Painting not counted. No
drawing was used. A broken gardenchair saved a lot of work. Works fine, easy
propelled, light, takes waves well and all. There is not room for much gear like
sleepingbag, tent and such. Maximum speed is maybe only ½ of an ordinary kayak. But for
sneaking or exploring where nobody else can go or turn it´s perfect. Build one yourself!
LOA: 2.92 meter
Maximum width: 0.95 meter
Bottom width: 0.70 meter
Dejan dejan.petrovic@privat.utfors.se
Sweden |